Humble Beginnings
We all have humble beginnings; as infants, our mothers would change our diapers, wipe our drool, burp us until we well... we were just adorable. A mother's love is unconditional. She didn't wait until you were full grown to love you;
so why wait until the practice looks a certain way to love it?
Embarking on a new journey often means everything seems like an obstacle. The truth is, our perception is what makes the journey either worthwhile, or total hell! For example, I was blessed with really tight hips. It took me years to sit in lotus, even with a daily practice. It was the releasing and opening that taught me more about myself than being handed the posture would have. I slowly watched how I deal with discomfort, when I want to give up, why I'm giving up, etc.
The way we do one thing is the way we do everything; running from a stretch is the same mentality we hold when we run from our fears and responsibilities (though you very well may be a rockstar who deals with things head on, in which case, yeah GET IT!).
You don't need to have every pose; create the ones that make you happy!
Pictures are fun, so here are all the beautiful people who I did Yoga Teacher Training with! This is our family :)